Tuesday 9 February 2016

10 Ways to Improve Your Android's Battery Life

The top android mobile phones like Samsung Galaxy Series are powerful, but they don't have unlimited power in them. Many people even hope that if their android device runs throughout a whole day without the need of being charged, it would be sufficient.

10 ways to improve Android's battery life.

You can try the following 10 ways to improve the battery life of your mobile device:

1. See which application is draining the most of your battery. Go to Settings>Battery and see if there is an application draining a lot of battery which you barely use. You can uninstall the particular application or 'Force Stop' it.

2. Turn Off unnecessary radios in your mobile phone. If you are not using NFC, Wi-Fi, or GPS etc. turn them off. These features drain your battery very much. You will notice a significant increase in your phone's battery timing by this. You can turn these features off by using a power control widget or directly from the notification bar of your phone.
3. Turn on Auto Brightness in your phone settings. This will increase or decrease the screen brightness of your phone according to the outside light and hence when you are in a place where low brightness will do the job, the Auto-Brightness option will automatically reduce the brightness and hence will serve a purpose in increasing the battery life.

4. Many Modern smartphones have a Battery saver mode in them. These modes reduce some of the automatic functions of your mobile phone and reduce the push notifications. Turn the battery saver mode on and save some battery. Although, it does not save battery for more than an hour, but still does the job handsomely.

5. Cut short the use of animated widgets or live wallpapers. The animations in these use up a lot of battery. Ordinary static wallpapers are much stable in battery usage than live wallpapers which use more energy. Moreover, animated widgets also use battery. Turn them off to save battery.

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6. Destroy all the un used apps in the background. Go to Settings>Apps, Swipe left and you will see a list of apps running in the background, draining battery. Close these apps. Click on them to see what they are running for and destroy them if you don't need them.
7. Several of the Samsung's mobile devices have some extraordinary features in them. These include eye scanner which no one probably uses. It is wise for you to turn them off to keep them from draining your precious battery.

8. Update your apps regularly. Many apps are updated to use lesser battery. They are developed so that they use less battery life of the mobile phone. Make sure that you keep Auto-update feature on in the google play-store so tat apps are automatically updated as soon as an update is available.

9. Reduce the refresh frequency for Facebook, Twitter or email apps. Set there refresh frequency to manual and let the system decide when to refresh the date in these apps. You will be amazed  to see that it makes such a significant difference. once you see the results, you can turn on the most important ones again.

10. Turn off the Auto- Syncing feature with respect to Google or Dropbox services. This step will increase the battery timing significantly. The auto uploading process uses up data and battery even when the phone is idle. So, keep this feature off and it will help your phone run longer with just one charge.

 In some areas, where the network signal is low, the phone will work harder to find some signal. This will use some battery too. There is nothing much you can actually do about it. But if you don't need your mobile at the moment, you can just switch it to airplane mode in a low signal strength area.


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