Friday 12 February 2016

Rooting an Android Device. Advantages and Disadvantages

Rooting is actually breaking into your android's system. It is the Android equivalent for jailbreak. It is a means of getting Super user access to all the functions in your device.

You can install unapproved apps, remove bloatware, update the android and customize almost everything.

How to Root your android:

A number of soft wares and apps are available which help you root our device. Some of these are King Root, Kingo Root, Flashify etc. A short guide on how to root is given in the video below:

Advantages of Rooting:

Rooting actually grants users access to the very roots of the soft wares and hence allows them Super user access. Some of the benefits of rooting are:
  1. Run Special Applications. Rooting gives users access to special features in the apps. Root apps provide more features than normal apps.
  2. Run custom ROMs. One of the main features which you get after rooting is that you can run custom roots. These custom ROMs bring in fixes in bugs and other performance fixes.
  3. Device with low internal storage can transfer any of their applications to SD card and free up some space in their internal storage. Mostly, this feature is present by default in the modern Android devices now a days.
  4. You can uninstall any system applications which you don't want. These unused apps cover up space and often use data. You can uninstall any of these easily after rooting.
  5. Change the speed and performance of the CPU. You can install certain apps which will help you with increasing the processing speed of your android. higher then the recommended rating.
  6. Change the theme of your android device without a launcher. You can fully change the UI of your device after rooting.

Disadvantages of Rooting:

Let us now discuss the disadvantages of rooting:
  1. You can BRICK your phone. If you accidentally carry out root the wrong way or the app is corrupt, you can end up bricking up your phone. Bricking the phone means that the phone will be dead. It is like you are carrying a brick in your hand.
  2. As soon as you root your android, the manufacturer's warranty is null and void. Don't take the device to a service center after rooting.
  3. Rooting your device might slow it down. Some features might take a longer time than what is usually required for them.
  4. Gaining root access also brings some security issues. You get access to roots of the device and the same can be accessed by viruses and malicious sites.

Un Rooting an Android Device: 

You can easily unroot your device by using some apps like Universal Unroot. Unrooting leaves no trace of the root and your warranty is back in place. the phone returns to it's original position and no one can tell whether it was ever rooted or not.


So, now you know all the advantages and disadvantages, rooting your device is completely up to you. If you think it's worth a try, go on. Otherwise, stay put and don't take the risk of banging your device.

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