Monday 8 February 2016

Best movies based on my personal experience

Today. I bring you a very interesting topic. The best movies I've ever watched. Hope you enjoy them as I did.

This list is based on my personal ranking independent of what some verified movie rating websites have rated. Still, I will provide the IMDB rating for all of these movies.

1. Cinderella Man (2005)

IMDB Rating: 8.0/10

A masterpiece by Ron Howard, featuring Russell Crowe's legendary acting. Cinderella man is based on a true story. The story is based on a struggle of a renowned boxer who is on a major downfall of his career. Poverty strikes and he has to work on the dock to make both ends meet. His comeback in the boxing world after a long time surprises people.
This movie is full of emotions, love and boxing. Watch this masterpiece as soon as you are free.

2. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

IMDB Rating: 9.3/10

This movie is on top of the top 250 best movies in the IMDB ranking. It's plot revolves around the story of a banker who is imprisoned at the Shawshank jail for lifetime on the false charges of murdering his wife and her lover. He becomes friends with Morgan Freeman in the prison. The man escapes at the end with Morgan Freeman being released.
The banker gets a new identity when he leaves the prison.

3.  The Prestige (2006)

IMDB Rating: 8.5/10

Two of the greatest names in Hollywood make appearance in this movie. Cristian Bale and Huge Jackman engage themselves in a competition to make the perfect illusionist trick on the stage. The story revolves around the murder of one's wife which creates differences between the two magicians. At the end, an amazing secret plot twist is revelead and you have to sat, 'MIND=BLOWN'

4. Inception (2010)

IMDB Rating: 8.8/10

Leonardo di Caprio's team gets inside the mind of a business tycoon through dreams to plan an idea in his mind which will force him to make his father's business collapse after his death. Caprio's wife always ruins the scene by coming there through his mind. A dynamically designed story which will surely entertain you to your core.
A dream within a dream which itself is also within a dream. This is the one to watch.

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5. The Dark Knight (2008)

IMDB Rating: 9.0/10

The best supervillain in the super city of Gotham. The Joker has to be stopped by the Batman. After creating havoc in the whole city, the joker kills Rachel with one of his master plans while Harvey Dent, Gotham's most respected police officer barely surives the attack.
Batman takes the blame on to himself of everything after all the good he has done to Gotham. The people now reckon him not as a savior but as a killer.

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6. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

IMDB Rating: 8.5/10

After Joker's anarchy, eight years have passed and now Gotham faces another grave danger. This time in the form of mercenaries taking over Gotham and getting a deal of having Gotham's control. They Control an atomic bomb which will explode when it's timer runs out. Batman rises after long time and saves the city yet again.
The legend ends as Batman dies, but wait, there's more to it. Watch it yourself.

7. Interstellar (2014)

IMDB Rating: 8.6/10

'The Earth's end will not be Ours too'. A team of astronauts goes through a wormhole to find hope for humanity on another planet as the Earth gradually becomes unfit for living. The use of science of space and time is incredible in this movie. The computerized development of a big Black hole and time dilation leaves one stunned.
The only person who returns from the journey wakes up on a satellite designed for human living which is named on his daughter who is so old that she is about to die. While the father is still fit and looks young.

So, These were the top movies I've ever watched. Keep following for other exciting articles. 


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